Mobile Application Projects Uncategorized

Xcode: First App Test: Bullseye

I recently started a self taught course in IOS Development in order to get to grips with the fundamental structure of swift language, Xcode ’s tools and make the final translation of getting my app on devices and the Apple store.

After getting an introduction to Xcode and Swift I have managed to produce a simple slider app called Bulleye.
The next step is to knock down the core area of swift code itself.

The end result of the app is shown in figures 1-3 below.

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Figure 1: Bullseye App instructions


Figure 2: Bullseye Game Interface


Figure 3: Bullseye: Points based on the distance to the target

Mobile Application Projects

App Research: Calculator

App Research: Calculator

This week I created a simple calculator in Xcode. The calculator’s interface was designed using Xcode ’s tools. The interface contains buttons and labels as shown below in figure 1.

Screen Shot 2017-07-25 at 12.50.47

Figure 1: Calculator’ s Interface

After the interface was designed, the operations such as addition , division and multiplication were executed using Swiftcode. In figure 2 it shows the code that was written to execute the operations. 

Screen Shot 2017-07-25 at 12.50.33
Figure 2: Script written to execute the calculator ’s operations

The end result is shown in figure 3 below.


Figure 3: Calculator’ s End Result

Mobile Application Projects

App Research: Maps

App Research: Maps

At the moment I am researching on a app. Its all speculation but at the moment the idea might involve using maps and maybe eventually GPS or Augmented reality.

In order to understand GPS, I decided to experiment with Map view kit. 

Screen Shot 2017-02-21 at 17.31.51

Figure 1: Map View Kit


Figure 2: Map View Kit viewing the area